New Quick Coupler for Bobcat E25 to E55 Excavators

Posted: 13 april 2017

Waterloo, Belgium. Doosan Bobcat EMEA has extended its excavator quick coupler offering with the launch of a new hydraulic pin grabber coupler for attachments used on the seven Bobcat compact excavators from the E25 up to the E55 models. The new Bobcat Hydraulic Coupler is available both as a factory installed option and as an aftermarket product for use with all the pin-on fitting attachments for the E25 to E55 excavators. The new quick coupler complements the existing full range of mechanical couplers from Bobcat including Klac and Lehnhoff systems.

Bobcat excavators equipped with the factory-installed hydraulic coupler are now supplied as tailormade systems, ready to go from the start.  All controls are incorporated within the operator area, so there is no need for additional controllers, switches, displays, hoses and/or wire harnesses to be connected.  The factory installed option is designed not to compromise machine efficiency, its robustness and overall performance.


Key features and benefits of the new quick coupler include its triple lock design for greater safety, exceeding the ISO 13031 norm and complying with all safety standards in the industry in Europe and the UK.  There is a wide variable pin centre, to pick up multiple pin-on attachments.  A robust, yet compact design enures maximum breakout force and the system is essentially maintenance free, with few components for peace of mind.  Powerful springs are activated in case of pressure loss to avoid any risk and reversibility is standard when the job requires it.


Important aspects include the increased safety and compliancy offered by a hydraulic pin grab coupler, which enables the operator to rapidly and safely change between non-hydraulic attachments from the comfort of the cab.  The pins in the system are under constant pressure from the hydraulic cylinder ensuring the attachment is tightly gripped, even when there has been pin wear over longer term use.  In the unlikely event of a hydraulic cylinder failure or hydraulic pressure loss, the attachment will remain securely connected thanks to two powerful springs.  Front and rear locks ensure the attachment remains in position at all times.


The ‘curl to release‘ safety protocol is an additional step to release the attachment in a safe position.  A bucket, for example, must be in the fully curled in position, locked on its hooks with the front lock, to allow the changeover process to start.  The front lock, in green, is a highly visible indicator for the operator to check if the attachment is properly locked.  An acoustic alarm will engage when releasing the attachment to warn everyone around the excavator that the operation is in progress.


The operator can change non-hydraulic attachments without leaving their seat.  This means more comfort for the operator as well as higher productivity, because the attachments can be changed faster.  The procedure is quick and safe:  The operator simply activates two switches in the correct sequence, followed by moving the bucket joystick.


The proven and tested design has no greasing requirements and very few moving parts with no maintenance requirements (other than the daily inspection), guaranteeing a hassle-free coupler.  The open and simple design is meant to work in mud – so mud doesn’t get trapped and block the release or unreleased mechanism.  It is manufactured using extra-high-strength steel, increasing durability, while optimising weight and the excavator’s performance.


With the pin grabber coupler, the operator can operate the bucket in both the normal position and in the reverse position, without any modification or extra components, to excavate against walls and under pipes for greater flexibility.  The pin grab concept allows the operator to connect to a widely available range of pin-on attachments for greater versatility.  This makes this coupler an ideal choice for the rental business.  It is also an economical option as unlike dedicated systems, only pins are required to secure the attachment(s).



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