Bobcat ZT6200 Autonomous Zero-Turn Mower


Introducing the Bobcat ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn mower.

Zero-Turn Mower Innovation with Limitless Possibility 

Bobcat is accelerating its innovations in the landscaping and grounds maintenance industries with the ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn mower. Designed to operate with software developed by Greenzie, it leverages the toughness and capabilities Bobcat® zero-turn mowers are known for – including the AirFX™ cutting deck and specialized transaxles for reliable performance and ground speeds up to 12 mph. 

The Bobcat ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn mower is in the development phase with plans to commercialize in the coming years. 


Rethinking Mowing

Innovation for Landscapers & Turf Professionals

The ZT6200 autonomous zero-turn mower features several innovative features to support customer productivity on the jobsite or in their backyard: 

  • Joystick controls 
  • Remote operation 
  • Autonomous mowing 
  • Object detection 
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