Oil Analysis

Imagine being able to examine what’s happening inside an engine, gearbox, or hydraulic system without disassembly. With the oil analysis program, you will be able to monitor the internal operating conditions of your equipment simply by taking samples of your oil. To purchase an oil analysis kit and supplies, contact your local dealer.

Benefits of Oil Analysis

Fast & High-Quality Testing

Oil analysis is fast and accurate. Laboratories are accessible within 48 hours ground transit from almost anywhere in the continental United States. Once your samples have been logged at the lab, you can track their progress online.

You can be confident that the test results you receive are accurate, repeatable and traceable to a standard. Bobcat testing laboratories are ISO 17025 A2LA accredited. It's the highest level of quality attainable by a testing laboratory, backed by the most stringent accrediting body in the industry. This means that your oil analysis program is supported by a documented quality system you can depend on to deliver superior testing and customer services.

Suggested Oil Sampling Intervals

Engine Oils
Hydraulic Oils
Equipment Type
Skid-Steer Loaders & Compact Track Loaders
50 hours (Break-In); 250 hours (Standard) 
1,000 hours 
50 hours (Break-In); 100 hours (Standard) 
500 hours 
Toolcat Utility Work Machines
100 hours (Break-In); 250 hours (Standard) 
1,000 hours 
50 hours (Break-In); 250 hours (Standard) 
1,000 hours 

How to Collect Oil Samples

Equipment manufacturers provide recommendations for preventive maintenance practices, but how critical a piece of equipment is to production is a major consideration for determining sampling frequency. High temperatures, dusty conditions, short trips with heavy loads, and excessive idle times can also significantly shorten maintenance intervals.

Fluid analysis is most effective when samples are representative of typical operating conditions. Dirt, system debris, water and light fuels tend to separate from lubricants and coolants when system temperatures cool. For optimum results, consider the following best practices:

  • Take samples while systems are operating under normal conditions or immediately after shutdown while they are still at operating temperature.
  • Take samples at regularly scheduled intervals.
  • Take samples from the same sampling point each time.

Collecting Fuel Samples With a Vacuum Pump

  1. Measure length or depth of fill port tube, reservoir or dipstick.
  2. Add 6 inches and mark the measurement on the tubing.
  3. Cut the tubing 12 inches beyond this mark.
  4. Insert tubing onto top of vacuum pump and tighten lock ring.
  5. Remove sample jar lid, attach jar to bottom of vacuum pump and tighten securely.
  6. Insert tubing into fill port, reservoir or dipstick retaining tube only to the mark on the tubing. To avoid drawing settled debris into the sample, do not allow contact between tubing and bottom of reservoir.
  7. Push and pull vacuum pump plunger until sample jar is 3/4 full.
  8. When sample reaches shoulder of jar, unscrew jar from pump, replace jar lid and tighten securely.
  9. Unscrew pump locking ring, remove tubing and drain excess oil back into reservoir.
  10. Discard tubing after each sample to avoid cross contamination.
  11. Complete sample jar label and affix to sample jar.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a first-time sampler, a well-designed, quality oil analysis program puts you on track for well-managed, cost-effective equipment maintenance.

Get Started With Oil Analysis

To learn more about the benefits and testing process for oil, contact your local dealer.
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